English translation for "beyoncé knowles"
- 碧昂丝・诺利斯
诺尔斯 诺尔丝
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The destiny ' s child story begins in houston , where 8 year olds beyonc knowles , and latavia roberson met while auditioning for a local children ' s group "命运之子"源于休斯敦。在一次参加当地某个儿童乐团的招考试唱中, 8岁的贝昂茜?诺尔斯遇见了同样年纪的拉塔维娅?罗伯逊。 | | 2. | Once they ve tossed austin into the disco fever of 1975 where he s sent to rescue his father , gamely played by michael caine , myers and director jay roach seem vaguely adrift with old and new characters , including verne troyer s mini - me and pop star beyonc knowles as pam grier - ish blaxpo - babe foxxy cleopatra 回到1975年,包话事见到老豆,重遇旧情人发电妹,合力再战邪恶,而隐藏多年的包话事身世之谜更有点眉目。包话事使出无敌变身术,一时相扑手一时油脂飞,实行玩串party |
- Similar Words:
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